Curbside Composting

Benefits of Curbside Composting

  • One of the primary cost-saving benefits of composting is the reduction in waste disposal costs.

    By diverting organic waste, such as kitchen scraps and yard trimmings, from landfills, individuals and businesses can decrease the volume of waste that needs to be processed and disposed of in landfills.

    Landfill disposal typically incurs fees, so diverting organic waste to composting facilities can lead to direct cost savings.

  • Waste management companies often charge fees based on the amount of waste sent to landfills. Composting reduces the quantity of waste going to landfills, which can result in lower fees for waste disposal.

  • Compost is a nutrient-rich soil that can enhance soil fertility. By using compost in gardens, landscaping, or agriculture, individuals and businesses can reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.

    This not only saves money on fertilizer purchases but also helps maintain the long term health of soils and plants.

  • Compost improves soil structure and water retention, reducing the need for additional irrigation in gardens and agricultural settings.

    By enhancing water retention, compost helps plants access water more efficiently, leading to potential water savings and lower water bills.

  • Traditional waste processing methods, such as incineration, require significant energy inputs. Composting generally consumes less energy. The energy savings associated with composting contribute to overall environmental and economic benefits.

  • Composting offers a range of economic benefits by reducing waste management costs, improving soil health and productivity, creating jobs, and reducing overall environmental impact.

    The best part is by supporting a locally owned and operated organic waste management company, all the economic benefits are reaped locally.

  • Composting can foster community engagement and education about sustainable waste management practices.

    Communities that actively compost may experience improved environmental awareness, which can lead to long-term cost savings through reduced waste.

Industrial Composting

Missoula Compost delivers all collections to Missoula’s municipal compost facility, Garden City Compost

  • When material goes to a industrial compost facility, it decomposes through a different process than it would in your back yard compost bin.

    Industrial compostable materials are products designed to break down under these conditions in a industrial composting facility.

  • Industrial composting means you can compost more material!

    Meat, bones, dairy, eggs, and compostable serving ware can all be composted in an industrial facilty.

  • Temperatures that occur in a a industrial compost facility stay over 130 degrees fahrenheit while organic material breaks down. To achieve this temperature, oxygen is typically pumped into static piles or piles are turned over on a regular basis to keep them from going anerobic (that is, breaking down without oxygen).

    This high consistent temperature kills bad bacteria and pathogens that would cultivate in backyard composts.

  • Large-scale composting facilities revolutionized composting. They are designed to handle large varieties of organic waste in high volumes and process it at an accelerated rate when compared to backyard methods.

    Soil is produced within three months of arrival and be sold to farms, plant nurseries, and individuals.

What is actually composted?

Everything we can. Missoula Compost never takes trips to the landfill. All our collections end up at Missoula’s compost facility. Unlike other large scale collectors, we guarantee the organics you put in your bin will be composted.

  • Everything we can. If we see any non-compostable material we will leave it behind.

    We sort every bin we collect from events like concerts or the Western Montana Fair. We then leave any contamination behind, as we have never taken a load to the landfill.

    Event compost is a lot of food scraps and BPI Certified disposable serving ware.

  • Everything we can. If we see any non-compostable material we will leave it behind.

    Home compost ends up being a lot of food scraps and yard/garden organics.

  • Everything we can. If we see any non-compostable material we will leave it behind.

    The type of compost at your work can vary depending on the type of work you do. In restaurants, it is almost entirely food scraps. At an office it can be a lot more paper and serving ware. At coffee shops, all grounds are gladly collected.

Compostable Materials

  • You can distinguish organic materials from synthetic materials by color, texture, shine, and labeling. Anything glossy, shiny, or waxy cannot be composted. Material deeply saturated with ink, paint, or stains is also not compostable.

  • All organic materials are compostable. Since we deliver to Missoula’s industrial compost facility we can take meat, bones, dairy, some oil, and seeds. The heat produced at Garden City Compost is high enough to kill pathogens and bad bacteria.

  • As for compostable servingware, anything labeled recyclable or biodegradable is not compostable. Biodegradable can be composted, but in an undetermined amount of time, making it an unreliable compostable product. Anything with a BPI Certified label can confidently be composted.

Elements of Composting:

Each of these elements play a specific role in the creation of good compost soil:

  • Balancing Carbon and Nitrogen is key for producing good compost.The ratio should be roughly 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen (30:1) by weight. The composting process slows if there is not enough nitrogen, and too much nitrogen may cause the generation of ammonia gas which can create unpleasant odors.

    Fun Fact: Coffee grounds have a carbon to nitrogen ratio of about 20:1 making it an ideal item for stabilizing a compost pile.

  • Allowing organic materials to be exposed to the most earth ensures quicker, more complete composting.

    Increasing the surface area of the material to be composted can be done by chopping, shredding, mowing, or breaking up the material. The increased surface area means that the microorganisms multiply more quickly, can digest more, and generate more heat.

  • Efficient decomposition can only occur if sufficient oxygen is present. Bacteria consume oxygen from the water content and surrounding atmosphere as they process material. This depletes available oxygen, which if not replaced will kill good bacteria and significantly slow the composting process. This means aerating compost is necessary to replenish oxygen that fosters happy bacteria.

    Effective methods to add oxygen include using equipment to turn the compost pile and using a blower to force air through the pile. If the compost pile is not aerated properly the “active” stage will slow down and objectionable odors may develop.

    Fun Fact: Lack of oxygen is the primary reason organics cannot decompose properly in the landfill. It is also the leading cause for methane production in the landfill because bacteria that can process material without oxygen (anaerobic bacteria) produce methane as a byproduct.

  • Water content is crucial for the production of quality compost.

    The compost pile should have a moisture content of 45-65%. If the moisture content falls below 45 %, the microbial activity will slow down or become dormant.

    When the moisture content exceeds 65%, aeration is hindered, nutrients are leached out, decomposition slows, and the odor from anaerobic decomposition is emitted. A pile that is too wet can be turned or can be corrected by adding dry materials.

  • Microorganisms generate heat as they digest organic material. A compost pile with temperatures between 90 – 150° F is composting efficiently. Higher temperatures will begin to kill off some of the beneficial organisms in the pile; turn to release heat.

    The process will inevitably slow in cold climates, but some microorganisms like cool temperatures and will continue the decomposition process at a slower rate.

  • The composting process takes time. Different microorganisms populate the pile at different temperatures.

    1. During the psychrophilic stage the bacteria will begin to colonize and generate heat. This will take a few days.

    2. Once temperatures increase the mesophilic bacteria will take over – this will take a few more days depending on the weather, moisture, oxygen level, etc.

    3. The thermophilic stage may take from a few days to several weeks and allows the heat-loving bacteria that digest the more resistant fats, cellulose and proteins to thrive.

    4. The compost will need to cure for up to several months.

Element icons from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” with a few friends.

Compost Critters

A large variety of small critters and creatures do all the work transforming compostable materials into usable compost soil. They can be called, the F.B.I:

  • Microorganisms including molds, mushrooms, and yeast. Common in cooler temperatures. They specialize in decomposing woodier components of plant matter like cellulose and lignin. Found in leafy or woody materials.

  • Single celled organisms. Mesophilic bacteria thrive in moderate temperatures and do most of the work on sugars and starches. As they eat, they produce heat, raising the temperature of compost piles.

    The heat kills off the original bacteria and are replaced by heat-loving thermophilic bacteria that can survive up to 160 degree’s Fahrenheit. These bacteria focus on proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates. This heat (above 131 degrees) successfully kills off much unwanted pathogens and weed seeds.

    Eventually thermophilic bacteria run out of material to eat and diminish, cooling the pile, and allowing fungi and mesophilic bacteria to clean up the job.

  • Mites, grubs, insects, spiders, slug, but most of all earthworms consume organic material and excrete nutrient rich matter. Compost with earthworms is called

    Vermicomposting. Worms help aerate the soil, consume organic matter, and act as a subway for microbes throughout the soil. The best worm is the Red Wiggler.

Compostable Bags

Compostable bags are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic bags, designed to break down into natural components in an industrial composting environment.

Unlike conventional plastic bags that can take hundreds of years to decompose and contribute to environmental pollution, compostable bags offer a more sustainable option while making curbside composting easier.

  • Compostable bags are typically made from renewable resources such as cornstarch, sugarcane, potato starch, or other plant-based materials. Some bags may also combine these materials with biodegradable polymers.

  • While the terms "biodegradable" and "compostable" are often used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings. Biodegradable materials break down naturally over time, but the process might not be as fast or complete as composting. Compostable materials, on the other hand, break down into organic matter in a composting environment, leaving behind no harmful residues.

  • Look for certifications such as the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) to ensure that the compostable bags meet industry standards for compostability.

  • Compostable bags require specific conditions to break down properly. This includes exposure to heat, moisture, and microorganisms found in industrial composting facilities. Compostable material cannot break down properly in traditional landfills.

It's essential to follow proper disposal guidelines for compostable bags. If placed in a landfill or a recycling facility, these bags may not break down as intended. As with any environmentally friendly option, it's crucial to consider the entire life cycle of the product and its impact on the environment

The Value of Compost Soil

Soil created through composting is often referred to by farmers as “black gold” due to its dense nutrient content. Compost soil is also highly stable and can withstand erosion and flooding, it is more resilient to extreme heat and runoff, and helps neutralize soil pH levels. Compost soil can be used for gardening, horticulture, landscaping, and agriculture to create a more stable environment to grow healthier plants.

  • Plants deplete nutrients from soil while they grow. The 13 mineral nutrients in the soil are dissolved in water and absorbed through a plant's roots. There are not always enough of these nutrients in the soil for a plant to grow healthy. This is why many farmers and gardeners use fertilizers, to add nutrients to the soil.

  • Chemical and synthetic fertilizers are intense and short lasting. If too much is applied it can actually harm the plant by “scorching” the plants roots. Unnatural fertilizers don’t help improve soil overall health or life span, which limits their long-term effectiveness. The nutrients they provide are quickly drained away into nearby waterways.

    The natural nutrients from mature composts are released to plants slowly and steadily. The benefits last for longer than one season. It stabilizes the volatile nitrogen of raw materials to form large protein particles when composting, which reduces the loss of nitrogen.

    Compost soil helps soils hold more plant nutrients by improving the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Anion Exchange Capacity (AEC) or exchange positive and negative charged ions, respectively, between a neutral atom. This allows nutrients to have stronger bonds with the soil, preventing them from being washed away.

  • Studies have shown that composts are able to help fight the spread of plant disease (e.g., Pythium root rot, Rhizoctonia roots rot chili wilt and parasitic nematodes) and decrease the losses of crops. Micronutrients and other critters in compost soil help to breakdown undesirables and toxins that cause plant disease into harmless and consumable materials.

  • Compost increases quality of soil structure, air flow, and water content leading to quicker establishment of new vegetation and decreases erosion rates. Compost protects the soil's surface from wind and water erosion by decreasing the action of soil dispersion by raindrops beating against the soil, increasing the infiltration rate, as well as reducing water runoff and increasing the surface wetness. It is vital to prevent erosion to safeguard waterways as well as maintain the efficiency and quality of the soil.

  • Using compost soil in landscaping and gardening increases the grounds ability to retain water by 2.5 times. Using compost soil reduces periods of water stress on plants and lessens the amount of water needed for healthy lawns, gardens, and houseplants.

  • If a soil becomes too basic or too acidic, plants can suffer from nutrient deficiencies or nutrient toxicities. Soil with a neutral pH level helps prevent plants from consuming environmental toxins, like lead and other heavy metals.

  • Compost reduces the soils bulk density and improves soil structure directly by loosening heavy soils with organic matter. Becuase of this, integrating composts into compacted soils can improve root penetration and turf growth.

Compost soil improves the soils Cation Exchange Capcity (CEC)

In general, soil with larger amounts of organic material holds more negative charges resulting in a higher CEC. Similar to how a stronger magnet can hold more paper clips.

Wamt to learn more? This video breaks it down for you!